May 10, 2023 | Weingarten

CHG-MERIDIAN wins Sustainable Finance Award

CHG-MERIDIAN has received an award at the 2023 Sustainable Finance Summit in Paris: The company won in the ‘Best Circular Economy Model: Equipment’ category with its modern technology2use approach.

“We regard the principles of the circular economy as being key to a successful future,” said Mathias Wagner, CEO of CHG-MERIDIAN, who accepted the award at the event. “That is why we are focusing on usage over ownership, and why we manage assets across their entire lifecycle, from procurement and financing to refurbishment and remarketing.”

As a technology2use company, CHG-MERIDIAN creates, finances and delivers technology usage models internationally. The Group manages a global technology portfolio of €8.95 billion (2022) in the areas of IT, industrial technology, and healthcare technology and is active in 30 countries.


From purchase to usage and reuse

Mathias Wagner, who was also a speaker at the Sustainable Finance Summit, sees the asset financing and leasing sector as an important lever for customers at this point. “Particularly in the current situation, leasing, rental, as-a-service, and subscription models offer businesses the best possible options for investing in state-of-the-art technologies while at the same time making a contribution to achieving their own sustainability goals. We are supporting our customers in the rapid introduction of new technologies and in accelerating the transition to a more sustainable economy.”

Market demand is clear evidence that a growing number of companies are opting for usage and reuse instead of purchase. The size of the global device-as-a-service market, for example, was estimated at US$ 83 billion in 2022, and is expected to grow by 29 percent on average (CAGR) from 2023 to 2030.

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Jessica Behrens

Company Spokesperson