What makes a financing concept intelligent? Here are five thoughts.

Why the financing must match the business, and not vice versa

1. The financing must match the business, and not vice versa.

In the face of rapid digitalisation, companies are under increasing pressure to be flexible and adaptable. Structures and processes also change, and the departments have far greater input in capital investment decisions. Financing models that may have been suitable 20 years ago have become obsolete. Lean processes and customised billing models are key – they give the finance department the flexibility that it would like to offer its colleagues in other departments.

2. Bringing together the CFO, CIO, and department is more a question of having the right strategy, rather than good fortune.

Turning these three decision-makers into a single powerful unit is one of the key challenges that companies face. This is where being agile has its benefits – it involves not only optimum collaboration on innovation and manufacturing, but also agreement on how to finance them. That is why companies need modern, agile financing concepts, not the term loans of yesteryear.

3. Companies are missing out on potential for innovation by relying on long-established financing concepts.

There is always a certain amount of risk involved with innovation, and risk is the treasury department’s natural enemy. With standard financing concepts, it is rarely possible to strike a balance between these attitudes to risk. Instead, new approaches can provide a long-term boost to innovation. One example is ‘try and use’, where equipment is supplied with a short-term exit option in case the project does not work out.

4. Even non-standard financing models can be managed – with the right tools.

Having a customized funding concept for each project is only possible with total transparency and maximum control. This is unthinkable without a powerful, comprehensive tool for the technical and commercial management of all contracts and services, both inhouse and external. TESMA® is the answer to this.

5. Financing requires external expertise from an independent partner.

To find the best financing available, companies must be able to compare the market and draw on experiences from a wide range of projects. Only few companies are able to do that. That is why a strong partner that is able to work with the CFO, CIO, and auditors on an equal footing can provide a real competitive advantage. But only if this partner is independent and works in partnership with, not against, the customer.



Do you have a different opinion? Would you like to know more? Then please feel free to contact me

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tesma is an all-in-one system for data that makes lifecycle management easier. The online platform helps you track and trace your technology equipment, control your costs and keep administrative burden to a minimum. tesma keeps your processes straightforward, paperless and convenient.

Long-term thinking, quick savings

Lifecycle Management for greater cost effectiveness

CHG-MERIDIAN has decades of experience in financing every aspect of a project, and takes a holistic view of finance across the entire lifecycle. This is what gives you the reassurance that your investment will really pay off over the course of a project.