Contracts can be signed quickly and easily on any internet-enabled device from any location in the minimum of time.
Contracts can be electronically processed and saved without the need for additional manual processing. The administrative outlay is considerably reduced.
DocuSign’s web-based user interface is easy to follow, user-friendly and convenient. Detailed instructions guide the signer through the process.
Below you will find a detailed instruction guide as well as a short version for quick reference. These documents explain how each stage of the signing process works. You will also find questions and answers on DocuSign and all aspects of electronic signatures.
Electronic signatures or e-signatures are legally binding for almost all business transactions internationally.
You can read more about the legal certainty of electronic signatures here.
DocuSign meets the most rigorous security standards. This means that it protects highly sensitive contract data and offers transparency at every stage of the signing process.
You can read more about the security of the DocuSign platform, data protection, and IT compliance here.